About China's Giant Panda National Park

Q: When was China's Giant Panda National Park established?
A: The Giant Panda National Park was officially established in October 2021. It spans Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces with a total area of 22,000 square kilometers. It is the core distribution area of wild giant pandas.
Q: What is China's Giant Panda National Park like?
A: The Giant Panda National Park is located in the boundary line between the first and the second geographical step in China, where the transition zone from the eastern edge of the QinghaiTibet Plateau to the Sichuan Basin lies, and here the terrain is complex. The mountains are high and the valleys are deep, and the water system is well developed. The lowest altitude here is 529 meters, the highest altitude is 6,250 meters, and it is very common to see deep valleys with a relative height difference of more than 1,000 meters. The river system belongs to the three water systems of Jialing River, Minjiang River and Tuojiang River in the Yangtze River Basin. It is recognized as one of the most complex geomorphic areas in the world, and it is also an area with frequent geological disasters.
Q: What’s in the China’s Giant Panda National Park?
A: The Giant Panda National Park has integrated 73 nature reserves that originally belonged to different departments or administrative regions. To enhance the connectivity of 13 local populations in the National Park and increase gene exchange, we strengthened habitat renovation and restoration and corridor construction work. There are 1,340 wild giant pandas in the Giant Panda National Park, accounting for 71.89% of the entire wild giant panda population. The geographical topography and ecology of Giant Panda National Park are complex and diverse. There are many rare wild animals and plants such as golden leopard, snow leopard, Sichuan golden monkey, forest musk deer, takin, yew, dove tree, etc., and the biodiversity is very rich.
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