Do pandas have natural predators?

Wild pandas are mainly distributed in mountain forests in southwestern China, including Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi and other provinces. Among them, Binyang and Minjiang in Sichuan Province in China, Lintan in Gansu, Qinling and Qinling and Taibai Mountain in Shaanxi are the main lives of cute pandas. In China, the panda natural predators are:

1. Eagle: Eagle is the number one natural predator of pandas. They prey in panda cubs. The number of eagles in the mountains has a lot of threats to the survival of the panda cubs, and it is the biggest natural enemy of panda.

2. Python: Snakes such as forests with snakes and neck troughs can also prey in panda cubs, which is one of the important natural enemies of pandas.
3.Jackal: Jackal and other leopard animals sometimes attack panda cubs or adult pandas. Especially in the season of food scarce, the threat to pandas is even greater.

4.Timber Wolf: Occasionally hunting panda cubs or weak adult pandas is one of the secondary reasons for the reduction of the number of pandas.

5. Wild cats: Wild country cats sometimes prey in panda cubs, but the threat is relatively small.

In summary, the biggest threat to pandas is the eagle. This is mainly because the number of eagles is large and often prey on panda cubs. Followed by python and Jackal animals, they sometimes prey on panda cubs or weak adult pandas. The threats of Timber Wolf and wild cats are relatively small, but occasionally hunting panda cubs. It can be said that the panda's natural predators mainly predate its cubs, especially the eagle has the most threats, and almost seize the life of a large number of panda cubs almost every year. Protecting panda cubs is essential for the growth of panda population. This is also the top priority of panda protection.

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