How Long Do Pandas Live?

1. Average Panda lifespan
     How long do pandas live? In general, the panda lifespan in the wild is 18 to 20 years, and they can exceed 30 years in captivity. Currently, the longest lifespan recorded for pandas under breeding conditions is 38 years old. Pandas are teenagers before they are 5 years old, they are adults between 5 and 18 years old, and they are old age after 18 years old. The average giant panda lifespan is about 25 years. 

     The well-know panda Ya Ya, female, was born on August 3, 2000 at the Beijing Zoo. She is now 24 years old, equivalent to 80 years old for humans. After living in the United States for 20 years, she returned to China finally.

2. How to divide the age of giant pandas?
     Pandas are in their infancy from birth to the age of 0.5 years old, in their infancy from 0.5 to 1.5 years old, and in their sub adults from 1.5 to 5 years old. Pandas are kept separately after 3 years old, in their reproductive age from 5 to 21 years old, and in their old age above 21 years old, they lose their reproductive ability.

3. How to determine the age of pandas?
     One method is to group giant pandas by age based on their bamboo bite, chewing degree, and fecal mass size in their feces, in order to determine their approximate age. Another method is to slice teeth, and researchers generally judge the age of giant pandas by observing the color and degree of wear of their teeth, as well as their external morphology.
     Juvenile pandas typically weigh between 40-50 kg and are approximately 1.2 meters tall. Adult pandas are about 1.5 meters tall and can weigh 100-150 kg.

4. Factors affecting the lifespan of pandas

  • Body type: Generally speaking, the lifespan of large pandas is longer than that of small pandas. This is because giant pandas have more mature physiological functions, stronger resistance, and stronger ability to adapt to the environment.
  • Living environment: Pandas living in natural environments have a longer lifespan than those living in zoos. This is because pandas in the natural environment can better adapt to wild life, while also having more opportunities to find food and partners.
  • Diet:Pandas are herbivorous animals that mainly feed on bamboo. To maintain health, pandas need to consume sufficient nutrients, including protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. If pandas lack sufficient nutrition, it can lead to physical weakness, decreased immunity, and susceptibility to infection.
  • Genetics: Some panda populations have low genetic diversity, which can lead to a decrease in their resistance to certain diseases and thus affect their lifespan. That's also why panda experts strive to increase panda genetic diversity as much as possible.

     In short, the lifespan of pandas varies due to factors such as body size, living environment, diet, and genetics.

5. Ways to make pandas live longer
1. Ensure that the pandas eat the freshest bamboo.
2. Ensure that giant pandas get enough exercise time every day to maintain their vitality.
3. Conduct regular physical examinations for giant pandas, and promptly treat any health problems.
4. Maintain the local environment where giant pandas live, so that giant pandas have a good living environment.
5. Don’t disturb their lives just for the so-called concern for them.

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