How to respond to panda attacks?

On September 19th, 2024, at Chongqing Zoo, China, a staff member was chased and fell to the ground by the panda Ding Ding, and then shouted for help to break free. This matter has attracted attention on the Internet. According to online videos, with the screams of tourists, a panda chased after the keeper and then tackled him, making head shaking and biting movements. The keeper shouted loudly and then broke free and left. Faced with tourists screaming, some onlookers were shouting, 'Don't scream'.

Panda Ding Ding is attacking the keeper.

Although pandas are herbivores that primarily feed on bamboo, they were once carnivores and have a large body size. They defend against attacks, so if you encounter pandas in the wild, please do not confront them head-on to avoid greater conflict and danger.

So how should we respond to panda attacks?

  • Firstly, stay calm! Please don't disturb it, don't scream and scare it!
  • Secondly, maintain a stable mindset! Please do not use aggressive behavior to actively resist it!
  • Meanwhile, run away right now! If the panda is injured or sick, please do not approach it alone! If it roars at you, please leave quickly. Generally speaking, pandas will not keep chasing you.
  • Finally, call for help and contact the local government or relevant panda conservation agencies to seek professional rescue.
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