Lazy Panda in Leisure Chengdu

When it comes to pandas, it reminds us that they are slow and lazy. Similarly, when it comes to Chengdu, people think of a leisurely, comfortable, and beautiful park city. It can be said that one land nurtures one people. Each place has its own way of supporting its own inhabitants. Chengdu, as the capital of Sichuan province, China, is the hometown of pandas. Pandas have become the urban image and cultural symbol of Chengdu. How did pandas become a symbol of urban culture in Chengdu? Today we will reveal the cultural development of pandas in the past, present, and future of Chengdu.

Panda Chengdu’s Cultural Icon

Chengdu has not only built the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Base, Du Jiangyan Irrigation Project, Panda Valley, but also built many landmark buildings marked by pandas, such as the center of Chengdu - IFS Panda popular photo spot, Chengdu Tianfu Panda Tower, etc. And many panda themed restaurants, panda hotpot restaurants, and panda souvenir shops. Nowadays, in addition to facial changes and the civilization of Shu, pandas have become the new urban card of Chengdu.

How Pandas Become Chengdu’s Cultural Symbol?

In 1869, French naturalist Armand David discovered giant pandas in Baoxing, Ya'an, Sichuan and introduced them to the public. In the first half of the 20th century, the Roosevelt brothers in the United States went to Sichuan to track and hunt giant pandas, and wrote the book "Trailing the Giant Panda"; British man Daniel Smith transported the six captured giant pandas to Europe and the United States for exhibitions, sparking a panda craze in the West.

In 1941, in gratitude for the relief provided by the United States to Chinese refugees during World War II, the Nationalist government at that time gifted a pair of giant pandas to the United States. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, "panda diplomacy" continued. From 1957 to 1982, China donated 23 giant pandas in the name of the country to 9 countries; After 1982, China stopped giving giant pandas to foreign countries and instead resorted to various forms of "visits" and "rentals.". As a result, after more than a hundred years of symbol reuse and cultural value accumulation, the giant panda has become famous worldwide and has become one of the symbols of China.

In the late 1980s, Chengdu realized the value of giant pandas and established the "China Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding" in 1987. Later, in order to apply for UNESCO's "World Natural Heritage", Ya'an, Aba, Chengdu, Ganzi and other places competed fiercely. Finally, the "the Habitat of Giant Pandas in Sichuan Province - Wolong, Siguniang Mountain and Jiajin Mountain", covering 4 cities, 12 counties, successfully applied for World Natural Heritage.

In 2005, the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games solicited mascots for the Beijing Olympics. After the "Five Fuwa" plan was announced, the Chengdu Panda Base renamed the nursing panda cub "Maomao" to "Jingjing" the next day, and invited famous musicians to produce "Jingjing" MTV, and held performances such as "Super Cute Panda Band".

In 2006, the Chengdu Cultural Exchange Association hosted the "Global Companion Tour of Giant Pandas", visiting cities around the world where captive giant pandas live. They also held promotional events, presented giant panda gifts and materials, which attracted widespread attention.

In 2008, the animated film "Kung Fu Panda" produced by Hollywood DreamWorks was released globally, and Chengdu initiated a "search for roots" to the film creation team in Chengdu, the "hometown of pandas"; In 2011, Kung Fu Panda 2 was released, which contained a lot of Chengdu elements.

Not only that, Chengdu also uses the panda image as a landmark landscape and places it in various spaces of the city, such as setting up "Panda Post Office" in Kuanzhai Alley, Chunxi Road, etc., posting public service advertisements with the theme of giant pandas at subway stations, and promoting the image of pandas to the outside world.

Popular Panda Places to Visit in Chengdu

  1. Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base
  • Address: No. 1375 Panda Avenue, Chenghua District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China.
  • Ticket: 55 yuan.
  • Travel: Take Chengdu Subway Line 3 to Panda Avenue Station → Exit D and take the bus to Panda Base Station.
  • Features: Located near the urban area of Chengdu, with the largest number of pandas and a large area, one can see pandas of different age groups. The most important thing is, there is female celebrity Huahua panda here! Of course, there are also a lot of people. It is recommended to wake up early when going to see pandas during the summer. Pandas with high temperatures will be taken back to air-conditioned rooms!

       2. Panda Park

  • Address: Shiqiao Community, Qingchengshan Town, Dujiangyan Irrigation Project, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China.
  • Travel: take Chengdu Metro Line 2 to Xipu Station → turn from Exit A3 to Intercity rail to Qingcheng Mountain Station → turn to Bus No. 102 to Panda Paradise Station.
  • Ticket: 53 yuan.
  • Features: The park is small, adjacent to Qingcheng Mountain. Pandas are abundant and lively, including giant pandas, red pandas, and returnee pandas, and can be visited in 1.5-2 hours. You can also volunteer for pandas here, cleaning their pens and making their own nest heads Excellent experience.
  1. Panda Valley
  • Address: No. 408, Yutang Section, Huanshan Tourism Road, Yutang Town, Dujiangyan Irrigation Project City, Sichuan Province, China.
  • Ticket: 55 yuan
  • Travel: Take Chengdu Subway Line 2 to Xipu Station → Exit A3, transfer to Intercity rail to Lidui Park Station → Transfer to bus to Rongchuang Cultural and Tourism City Station.
  • Feature: Early selected captive giant pandas learn wilderness survival skills here. The natural scenery is beautiful and there are few people. There are internet famous pandas such as Meilan panda and Oreo panda, as well as free range panda parks, making it a good summer resort in Chengdu.
  1. IFS Climbing Panda Popular Photo Spots

The IFS Climbing Panda is one of the highly anticipated urban landmarks in recent years. It is located in the IFS International Financial Center of Chengdu, near the Chunxi Road subway station. Transportation: Chengdu Subway Line 2, exit from Exit B of Chunxi Road, navigate to Chengdu IFS, and walk for about 3 minutes.

  1. Naked Eye 3D Giant Pandas

The naked eye 3D giant panda is a popular urban landmark across the internet, attracting numerous tourists and citizens to come and watch. In terms of visual effects, giant pandas seem to jump out of the screen, giving you a strong visual shock. Address: 20 meters northeast of the intersection of Shamao Street and Xi kangshi Street in Jinjiang District. Transportation: Chengdu Subway Line 2, exit from Exit B of Chunxi Road, with a naked eye 3D navigation screen in Chengdu. Walk for about 3 minutes.

  1. Panda Bookstore

This is a panda themed bookstore, mainly focusing on cultural and creative activities, including books, cups, refrigerator stickers, dolls, badges, blind boxes, cards, brooches and other accessories related to panda elements. There is a giant panda sculpture with an umbrella at the entrance of the bookstore. Address: No. 75-3 Tangpa Street, Jinjiang District. Transportation: Chengdu Subway Line 2, exit from Exit E2 of Chunxi Road Subway Station, walk for about 15 minutes (867 meters) to get there. Business hours: 10:00~22:00.

  1. Panda Post Office

There is a mural of the top female celebrity in the panda industry, Hua Hua. This is the only panda post office in Chengdu that has a mural of Hua Hua, and none of the other panda post offices have it. There are various postcards, envelopes, over 100 cute seals, and other panda themed souvenirs here, with a complete variety and uniqueness. Address: No. 25-6, North Shu Wa 1st Street, Jinjiang District. Transportation: Take Line 4 of the Chengdu subway to Exit B of Taisheng South Road, and walk for about 5 minutes after exiting the station.

Top Panda Stars in Chengdu

"Top female celebrity" Huahua panda - location: Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base. Her name is Huahua, her scientific name is Hehua. She was born in July 2020 at the Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Base as a female giant panda and is undoubtedly one of the top female celebrities in the base. As a native Sichuan child, she once thought she was called "Guo Lai" because "whenever she heard" Guo Lai ", she had something to eat.". Due to beautiful appearance and gentle personality, Hehua has attracted many panda lovers to visit Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base.

The twin sisters of Heye Panda, Hehua panda once thought they were younger brothers. Heye panda was once famous for snatching bamboo from his sister Hehua panda. In January 2024, the panda "Heye" was found injured while playing in the inner cage on January 18th. Before the injury recovers, "Heye" will temporarily suspend its exhibition to the public.

Panda Future in Chengdu

In the future, the Chengdu Municipal Government and the Chengdu Panda Base will continue to protect the national treasure giant panda, showcasing the beautiful wish of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature to the world, and attracting more and more tourists to visit the Panda Base in Chengdu. The path of panda diplomacy continues to steadily advance. Individuals and businesses are actively exploring the creative cultural industry of Panda IP. We look forward to a better Chengdu and the Chengdu of pandas together.

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