Meet the Giant Panda 06

Q: What is a typical daily schedule for a giant panda?
A: 0:00-2:00 rest; 2:00-7:00 eating (breakfast); 7: 00-10: 30 rest; 10: 30-11:00 roaming and playing; 11: 00-12: 00 feeding (lunch); 12:00-14:30 rest; 14:30-21:00 feeding (dinner); 21:00-2:00 rest (nighttime sleep).
Q: Are giant pandas only active during the day?
A: The giant pandas are not only active during the day, they can also be active at night, therefore they are both diurnal and nocturnal animal.
Q: Does light exposure have any effect on giant pandas?
A: Appropriate light exposure has a positive impact on the growth and development of giant pandas, and light can also affect the estrus time and length of estrus of giant pandas. However, strong sunlight in summer and autumn should be avoided as much as possible, especially for giant pandas after leaving their habitat. If the ambient temperature is too high and the ultraviolet rays are strong, the giant panda will suffer from heat stroke or heat related disease. Irreversible losses could be induced under such circumstances.
Q: Do giant pandas hibernate?
A: Giant pandas do not have the habit of hibernating. Since bamboo is an evergreen plant in all seasons, giant pandas can still feed on bamboo even in winter. Giant pandas usually migrate from high altitudes to mid-to-low altitude areas in winter, where the temperature is relatively high and food such as bamboo is relatively plentiful.
Q: Where do giant pandas sleep?
A: In the wild, newborn giant panda cubs stay in the warm tree hole or cave prepared by their mother; when they grow up, they like to sleep in the tree, so as to avoid the attack of their natural enemies; adult giant pandas always rest wherever they go, but they prefer to choose a place to lean on, such as by a large tree or by a fallen wood log.
Q: What sleeping positions do giant pandas have?
A: Speaking of the sleeping positions of giant pandas, there are many kinds. Giant pandas generally sleep on their backs or on their tummies from infancy to adulthood. But it is very interesting for giant pandas to sleep on tummies. Whether they are on a perch, a bed, or on a tree branch, their limbs will naturally sag, giving them a feeling of relaxation. When sleeping on the back, usually the hind limbs will be placed on a fixed object, and very often the forelimbs are used to cover their eyes, much like we use our arms to block the eyes from the light, which is very funny. When giant pandas lie down, they also stretch and yawn from time to time.
Q: What are the living habits of giant pandas?
A: Giant pandas live in dense bamboo forests for a long time and like to be alone. They usually use urine and perianal gland secretions to mark their territory. They love cool and cold. They are good at climbing trees and swimming, and do not hibernate. Once an alarming situation is detected, they will quickly hide in the bamboo forest or climb the treetops.
Q: Is a giant panda afraid of cold or heat?
A: A giant panda is afraid of extreme heat, and it is not afraid of cold.
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