Meet the Giant Panda 08

Q: How is the courtship behavior of giant pandas?
A: The estrus season of giant pandas is from March to May. In the wild, female pandas attract male pandas living around their territory one after another through their calls and the special smell of markers during the estrus season. Usually, male pandas have to fight for several days to obtain the right to mate with female pandas. The best time for a female pandas to conceive is usually only 1-2 days. After mating, the female pandas will drive the male pandas out of their territory and continue solitary life until the baby is born.
Q: When do giant pandas usually get married?
A: The estrus of pandas is single-sided estrus. Its time is mostly in spring, and there are slight differences among different places. When the primroses in the habitat are in bloom, it is their estrus period. It usually starts in late March and extends to mid May, mostly in mid-April, and in some cases from January to September. In addition, the estrus period of pandas is usually affected by the latitude, altitude and climate of their habitat.
Q: Are giant pandas monogamous in their natural habitat?
A: Giant pandas are not monogamous, but polygamous or polyandrous.
Q: In what season do giant pandas give birth?
A: Under normal circumstances, giant pandas come into estrus and mate in spring, and give birth in autumn, mostly in August to September. Very few pandas give birth until the next spring. Currently, there is only one case in Wolong, Sichuan, China.
Q: How do giant pandas nurture their offspring?
A: The gestation period of a giant panda is usually 3 to 5 months, with a maximum of 10 months. Wild giant pandas generally choose relatively hidden rock caves or tree caves as birth rooms. Newborn cubs are very fragile and need to stay in their mother's arms all the time, and breast milk is their only source of nutrition. The cubs only learn to walk when they are 4 months old, and can eat bamboo at about 1 year old. Therefore, generally, giant panda cubs will live with their mothers until they are about 1.5 to 2 years old, and then they will live independently without their mothers.
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