Panda Place in Chengdu, Dujiangyan Panda Valley

Panda Valley - Dujiangyan Research Center for Wildlife Breeding (DFRC), also known as Dujiangyan Panda Valley or Chengdu Panda Valley, is located in Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province. In addition, Foping Panda Valley is located in Foping County, Shaanxi Province. Pay attention to distinguish Foping Panda Valley from Dujiangyan Panda Valley. Don't find the wrong location.

1.Basic Introduction

Dujiangyan Panda Valley is affiliated to the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, which mainly undertakes the functions of wild training, reintroduction and breeding of giant pandas and other endangered and rare wild animals, and carries out the work of wild animal and plant protection, wild training and reintroduction, field rescue, natural education, eco-tourism, etc. Dujiangyan Panda Valley was built in May 2010, the first phase of which was completed and put into use in 2012, and officially opened to the public on April 20, 2015. We currently have animal protection and supporting facilities such as the Giant Panda Ecological Shed, the Red Panda Ecological Release Area, the Return and Delivery Room, the Three Holy Temples, the Surrounding Lake Landscape Area, the Science Popularization Activity Area, the Catering and Rest Area, and the Scientific Research and Office Area. Panda Valley is based on the primitive ecological environment of pandas and has built a research center on site.

Dujiangyan Panda Valley, covering an area of 2004 mu, is located in the Chengdu Plain, adjacent to the Longmen Mountains, Qionglai Mountains and Minshan Mountains. High quality water sources and a favorable ecological environment have created rich biodiversity. There are 515 species of plants in the area, including rare tree species such as southern Chinese yew, Gongtong, and Ziye maple; There are 21 species of mammals, including wild animals such as muntjacs, rock squirrels, pig badgers, leopard cats, etc; There are 131 species of birds, as well as various amphibians, reptiles, and countless insects. Good natural conditions provide an ecological foundation for the breeding and wild release of giant pandas. At present, the Panda Valley is breeding 12 giant pandas and 20 red pandas, and has cooperated with the base research center to carry out four batches of wild training for a total of 8 giant pandas. 

For many years, the Wild Release Center has been continuously carrying out ecological protection, ecological restoration, and actively restoring the natural habitat of giant pandas. With the restoration of the ecological environment, wild animals such as pig badgers, yellow weasels, muntjacs, and rock squirrels have begun to appear frequently. Fireflies, as environmental indicator species, have also naturally revived in the valleys, forming a beautiful view of the four seasons in the wild release center.


2. Visitor services

Opening hours: From March 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024, the summer park opening and closing hours will be implemented, namely: 7:30 am to 18:00 pm, and entry will stop at 17:00 pm (morning ticket entry time: 7:30-12:00; afternoon ticket entry time: 12:00-17:00)

Ticket Purchase and Reservation

 [Online Real-name Reservation] 

  1. All visitors (including children, the elderly, and other tourists who qualify the free ticket policy) must book their tickets online in advance because there is no offline ticket window. Tickets of the recent 7 days can be reserved.
  2. Open the WeChat Official Account of “Panda Valley”, click “Ticket Purchase and Tour” at the bottom left of the interface, and select “Ticket Purchase and Reservation” to purchase tickets online. It is necessary to scan your original ID Card (or Passport, Pass, Homecoming Permit, Household Register) or ticket QR code to enter the park. Visitors who meet the preferential ticket policy are required to present relevant preferential certificates for verification before entry.
  3. Online refunds can be performed in the “Ticket Purchase and Reservation - My Orders” before entry. For any questions, tourists can call 028-87296600 for consultation.

[Instructions for Reservation]

  1. The peak season (May-October) is scheduled before 17:00 on the same day, with the opening hours: 7:50-17:30; The low seasons (November-April) is scheduled until 16:30 on the same day with the opening hours: 8:10-17:00.
  2. A ticket can be used after reservation. Tourists shall enter their names, second-generation ID Card numbers, real and valid mobile phone numbers, submit the orders and complete the payment before the reservation is successful.
  3. If an invoice is needed, handle it with the original valid certificate used for reservation at the Tourists’ Centre or call the Centre for consultation within one month after the order is used.

[Instructions for Use]

  1. Visitors who have made a successful reservation (excluding free-ticket tourists) can scan their original ID Cards or QR Codes for verification before entry. Visitors holding Exit-Entry Permits for Traveling to and from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan; Taiwan Compatriot Permits; Homecoming Permits or Passports can reserve tickets in advance by entering certificate numbers. Those shall scan the QR Code or present certificates and enter relevant numbers for verification before entry.
  2. Visitors holding a “free ticket for children” should present the QR code for proof of purchase or provide their Household Register and enter the ID Card number for verification before entry; Visitors holding the “tickets for the seniors” and “other free tickets” are required to swipe their original valid ID Card and present the relevant certificates for free ticket before entry.
  3. Full-time undergraduate students and younger are required to swipe their ID Cards and present their valid student IDs before entry.
  4. Please enter the park in the morning and afternoon on the reserved visit date. Tourists cannot enter the park before the visiting hours. Please do not enter the park early or late.
  5. The purchased ticket is only for the holder to enter the park once on the day of the visit according to the reserved hours in the morning or afternoon.

[Instructions for Refunds and Rescheduling]

  1. After the ticket reservation is successful, the refund must be made when the order has not been used.
  2. Rescheduling is not supported after the order is successfully booked.
  3. The money will be refunded to the original payment account within 3-7 working days after the order cancellation review is completed.

[Other Instructions]

  1. As it is a smoke-free scenic area, please do not smoke or have open flames in this scenic area. It is strictly forbidden to bring pets, or flammable, explosive, toxic, and harmful substances to the park.
  2. Respect everyone by keeping your voice down, and do not feed or tease animals during your visits. Skateboards or drones are strictly prohibited.
  3. In the event of bad weather, natural disasters or other force majeure (such as lightning, rain and snow, hail, fog, storms, epidemics, etc.) that affect the safety of tours, this scenic area will be temporarily or partially closed, and your understanding would be appreciated.

Tickets: Full price RMB 55/person    Half price RMB 27/person 


Administration for Market Regulation: 12315   


Dujiangyan Municipal Tourism Bureau: 87271069


Municipal Public Security Bureau: 110   


Dujiangyan Municipal Bureau of Transport: 87266361


How to buy tickets: 

  1. Buy tickets on the official site:
  2. Through the official WeChat account Panda Valley


3. Public transportation

Address: No. 408, Huanshan Tourism Road, Yutang Town, Dujiangyan City, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China. Chengdu Metro Line 2 to Xipu Station - take the intercity train to Dujiangyan Irrigation Project - No. 14 bus - get off at the "Panda Valley" bus station. Or an hour's drive from Chengdu to Panda Valley by car.


 4. Tips

  • Pandas are only active in the morning and usually sleep in the afternoon. They only get up to eat bamboo when they are hungry. If you go late, you won't be able to see the pandas.
  • Pandas prefer cool than hot weather. When it gets hot, they will hide in the shade of trees or be taken back. They can choose cooler weather to set off.
  • Around 9:30 am, the keepers of Panda Valley will feed the giant pandas and red pandas. It is best to arrive at Panda Valley at this time when they are most active.
  • The Panda Base is in Chengdu, and the Panda Valley is in Dujiangyan, far away from center of Chengdu City. The Panda Valley is smaller than the Panda Base, so you can get close contact with pandas and red pandas. Do not touch or feed.
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