Ten things about the panda you don't know

The giant panda is good at climbing trees, will it swim in the river? How much food can giant pandas eat every day? Do giant pandas only eat bamboo? Does it eat meat? How long is the life span of giant pandas? There are 6 toes in the giant panda?

1. The panda is good at climbing trees, and panda can also swim.
Most pandas cannot stand like a person for a long time, nor can they play beautiful kung fu movements like the treasures in Kung Fu Panda (except for the happy sunlight big boy Meng Lan). But they are good at climbing trees, and they start climbing trees when they are 7 months old. The panda is a bear, like other bears, they can swim.

2. Giant panda changes from pink to white and black (or brown).
When the giant panda was born, it looked like a human baby, without fur, pink, and his eyes could not be opened. After about three weeks, the iconic black and white fur began to appear. Not all giant pandas are black, there are brown (representing bear: Qi Zi) and pure white, but rare.

3. There are many fans of giant pandas, because they look cute.
"Teddy Bear's looks" popular panda. Why do you like giant pandas so so? Foreign scientists conducted a survey that the reason why Grand Panda became "cute sensors" that attracted us was because their eyes were large and forward, and furry, so it felt cute and well -behaved.

4. Grand Panda is very lazy.
Eating and sleeping are all portrayal of their day's life. I want to see them active, only in the early morning. One reason for the rare panda is that the priority order of breeding work is not high. Female only one day of the window period for natural breeding, usually once every two years, and one child will only have two pandas. It is not surprising to become an endangered species.

5. An adult panda can eat 18 to 38 kg of bamboo every day.
99 % of the panda's diet is bamboo. A 45 kg of adult panda (the big panda in the circle can grow to 150 kg) to eat for up to 14 hours a day, and you can eat 12 to 38 kg of bamboo a day. In fact, the favorite food of the big panda is Bamboo shoots.

6. A big panda can stool 28 kg per day.
Giant pandas can be ranked up to 28 kg per day. In the past, the unexplained bamboo slices were made into photo frames and bookmarks, and their feces were basically no smell. The giant panda's feces point to their direction, so they can easily track them in the wild. Unfortunately, from a historical point of view, this makes them more endangered.

7. Giant pandas have carnivorous teeth, but they mainly eat bamboo and fruits.
Because giant carnivorous animals like sword tiger have long been extinct, giant pandas do not have to run so fast, and gradually evolve into vegetarian animals. We all know that big pandas only eat bamboo, but they also like some fruits and occasionally eat meat. Although they still have the digestive tract of sharp teeth and carnivores, they have no ability to chase anything, unless their prey happens to fall on their legs, or the injury is too slow to escape.

8. The life expectancy of giant pandas is generally 25 years, which is equivalent to 70 years of human beings.
The history of giant panda fossils can be traced back to two or three million years ago. Giant pandas have been widely distributed around China. Now wild pandas only live in the wild in remote areas in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu, China. The life span of giant pandas is generally 25 years, equivalent to about 70 years of human beings.

9. Grand Panda has 6 toes to catch bamboo.
The panda's front paws have the sixth "toe" behind. With this additional "thumb", they can process the bamboo into a thick cigar shape, which is convenient to eat more and more effectively.

10. Strange behavior! Panda likes to lick copper and iron.
"Big pandas like copper and iron. They seem to really like to lick a metal bowl, and they can even use two paws to rotate the bowls cleverly." This is the folklore of my country's pandas as "iron -eating beasts". In fact, in the absence of salt -free food, the giant panda will break into the villagers' house licking the salt in the iron pot. The villagers do not understand the habits of the giant panda, and mistakenly think that the giant panda is eating iron.

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