Giant Pandas Need To Be Brought Home At 26 ℃?

The hot summer has arrived. "Where have the giant pandas from the outdoor activity field gone in summer?" Of course, the precious giant pandas are in the air-conditioned room.

Giant pandas prefer cold and fear heat

Giant pandas are animals that prefer cold and fear heat. The average thickness of their skin is about 5 millimeters, and the thickest part can reach 10 millimeters. Due to the thick and coarse coat composed of needle hair and fur, the surface of the fur is rich in oil, which can keep the fur dry. Inside, there is a thick layer of spongy medulla, which has a good insulation effect. Therefore, compared to hot summers, giant pandas prefer cool spring, autumn, and winter.

In summer, the keepers prepared large ice cubes to cool down the giant pandas. So, if you go to the outdoor activity venue in hot weather, you may not be able to see the figure of the giant panda. At this time, you can follow the prompts outside the venue to walk to the indoor activity venue to visit~

Therefore, it is a reminder to tourists that giant pandas prefer cold and are afraid of heat. When the outdoor temperature exceeds 26 ℃, in order to ensure animal welfare, giant pandas in the park will be transferred from the outside to indoor exhibition halls, making it convenient for you to visit indoors. Due to the lack of indoor exhibition halls in some venues in the park, there is a possibility that you may not be able to see your favorite giant panda.

What is the best time to watch bears?

Due to the unique living habits of giant pandas, noon is their resting time. The best time to enter the park and watch giant pandas is from 9:00 to 11:30 and from 14:30 to 17:00, during which they will be more active. Therefore, in the hot summer, it is recommended that everyone go to see giant pandas in the morning~

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