Why are there so many giant pandas in zoos if they are rare and endangered?

As of October 2021, the total number of giant pandas in captivity worldwide reached 673 (422 in 2015). There are 1864 wild giant pandas (1114 in the 1980s). However, in 2022, the number of lions in the world was 23000, indicating that the number of giant pandas is extremely small. In recent years, China has strengthened the protection and cultivation of giant pandas, established specialized panda breeding bases and protected areas, and achieved stable growth in the number of giant pandas.

On September 5th (September 4, local time in Hawaii), the World Nature Conservation Alliance (IUCN) officially announced in Hawaii, USA to reduce the threat of pandas from "endangered" to "dangerous". IUCN said that due to the decades of unremitting protection of the Chinese government, giant pandas no longer belong to endangered species. According to the International Nature Protection Alliance, giant pandas have shifted from "endangered" to the "dangerous" list. The relevant person in charge of the National Forestry Administration of China recently stated that the giant panda is still an endangered species, and the next step is to continue to strengthen the protection of giant panda. China plans to carry out the construction of giant panda and habitat protection projects and the construction of giant panda National Park, strengthen scientific and technological research and talent training, promote the recovery of wild populations, improve the level of panda protection management, and promote the in -depth development of panda protection.

If you feel like you've seen many pandas in the zoo, it may be because you're visiting a giant panda breeding base or visiting many well-known zoos with panda. Although we can see giant pandas or see their daily videos in online social media, the overall number of giant pandas is still small and still belongs to endangered animals. However, because of its very popular, pandas have been widely concerned, and people may mistakenly believe that giant pandas are no longer endangered animals. In addition, giant pandas have high requirements for environment and food. Individual zoo or field environment cannot meet the requirements, and they will also threaten their survival and life. Therefore, fans who are concerned about giant pandas should know that adult/young panda dies every year. Poor cute pandas!

Therefore, Cute pandas still are regarded as rare and endangered animals and we all should pay much attention to those black and white "chubby dumplings!"

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