Birthday: August 30th, 2008
Genealogy number: 731
Gender: Male
Birth weight: 180g
It was born at the Atlanta Zoo in the United States and is the second child of the American giant pandas Lun Lun and Yang Yang. It was named Xilan after a popular online vote, symbolizing the joy of Atlanta. Xilan ranks second in the family, so she is also known as the "second master" by fans. Xilan was very lively and active when she was a child. There was once a very interesting animation circulating online, where a panda mother suddenly gave her son an over shoulder throw while eating. The panda baby that was thrown out was Xilan. It used to be a member of the "Bai De Yao Si" family, but now it likes to roll in the mud and transform into a magnificent mud panda. Xilan returned to China on May 15, 2014.