Are Panda Bears Dangerous?

Panda bears have black and white fur, a round head, big eyes, and a chubby body. The giant panda is China's national treasure and one of the most precious endangered species in the world. So, what is the temper of panda bears? Are they dangerous or safe? Are they docile or ferocious? Are giant pandas dangerous? Are pandas bears aggressive? Let’s find out together!

Although giant pandas are carnivores, they mainly feed on bamboo and occasionally other plants or small animals. The digestive system of panda bears is not suitable for digesting bamboo, so they eat a large amount of bamboo every day, accounting for about 10% to 15% of their body weight. Because eating bamboo requires a lot of time and energy, giant pandas live at a slow pace and spend most of their time eating bamboo or sleeping. It seems that the giant panda is super cute, not dangerous at all.

Panda bears are relatively solitary animals. They do not like contact with other animals or humans. They usually live alone in mountain forests except during mating season. Giant pandas have a strong sense of territory. They mark their territory by leaving scent on trees with their urine or claws. If other animals or humans invade their territory, they will make threatening sounds or make aggressive gestures to protect themselves. Then the giant panda becomes dangerous.

Although Panda bears look gentle and cute, they are actually very strong and have sharp teeth and claws. If faced with danger or provocation, they become vicious and aggressive will fight back without fear. Some people think that giant pandas are lazy animals, but this is not the case. Giant pandas just adjust their activities according to their own survival needs. When they have enough food and security, they choose to rest and relax. They become active and social when they need to find food or a mating partner.

Super explosive and biting power. There have been cases of pandas roaring at humans, but they have not caused harm to humans.Adult pandas also have another name, called "iron eating beasts". Because the bite force of pandas can reach 2000 pounds. while the bite force of a tiger is 1100 pounds. That is to say, if a panda gets angry, its bite force can reach twice that of a tiger. And pandas have super explosive power, agile movements, and very strong impact, super agrressive. They can also climb trees. They can reach the summit of tall trees over ten meters. Most people may think that only wolves are so agile, but in front of angry pandas, 3 or 4 wolves are not a threat at all. Therefore, panda bears are very agrresive when encounter dangers and attacks, not so gentle and lazy as usual.

Although pandas seem to live leisurely every day, eating bamboo, sleeping, and maintaining their cuteness and gentleness. But in fact, once pandas get angry, it is very scary and their aggression is very strong. However, in the absence of unexpected attacks, pandas are a gentle and well tempered animal that will not easily get angry.

So generally speaking, pandas are not dangerous, except when they are under external attack.

Read more: How to respond to panda attacks?

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